Lillian/Aunt Martha

Lillian Yvonne Patricia
Lillian and Leo
Leo, Lillian, and George
Leo, Lillian, and George

Lillian was the eldest daughter of William and Eva Knowles, and the third child, born after George and Leo. There were ten Knowles children – according to Grandma there would have been fewer if she had been able to choose. Nevertheless, everyone in the family was very close and much loved. The Knowles are quite a remarkable family – they are all gifted with above average intellect and truly proud of their family heritage. There was one unusual practice at home that may be against the law today – slavery. Each of the eldest three children had slaves and grand slaves whom they were “responsible for raising”. George was in charge of Shirley (#4) and Bing (#7). Leo was in charge of Herbert (#5) and Nora (#8). Lillian was in charge of Betty (#6) and Karen (#9). I guess there is a pattern here. Sandra must have had her real parents.

Lillian and Betty
Bing, Shirley, Lillian, and Nora
The seven sisters Back: Bing, Shirley, Lillian, Betty Front: Karen, Nora, Sandra

Because Lillian was much older than her youngest sisters; she had left home to attend teachers college and when visiting taught them many useful skills such as sewing. The older siblings told the youngest ones that she was their Aunt Martha, a name that stuck and became their own form of endearment. Mom’s best friends were always her family and we grew up surrounded by them. “Aunt Martha” was a mentor, teacher, confidant and counselor to her siblings. She was wise and kind and we, her children were to become the main benefactors of these attributes.

Lillian taught in Green Ridge School about one half mile west of the Johnson farm. This is how she met Michael Thomas Johnson. She moved to Big Valley to teach and Mike followed her to work on oil rigs. They married in 1952. Mom often talked about how she had married the whole Johnson family because they were so much fun. The home Lillian and Mike created was filled with love and respect which they demonstrated to their children. By the time Wes was born in 1953, they were living in Munson and Mike was farming. Kathy arrived 1955; Jeff was born in 1956 and Leo joined the family in 1962. Life was grand.

John Johnson, Lillian, Mike, and Betty July 23, 1952