George William Claxton and Mary Agnes Coulthart

Mary Agnes Coulthart married George William Claxton, an Inverary, Ontario area farmer, on July 5, 1901 in Kingston.

Mary Agnes (Aggie) and George Claxton had four children:

  • Herbert George born February 19, 1902, died August, 1961
  • Eva Alice born July 1, 1903, died November 26, 1995
  • Ruth Annie born November 12, 1904, died May 10, 1978
  • Ralph Edwin born August 17, 1910, died August 25, 1981

Mary Agnes died on July 3, 1915 and George died on April 1, 1917, both in Oregon. They suffered from tuberculosis and had moved to Oregon in search of a more favourable climate. Their tombstones are in St. Andrews Cemetery, Cochrane, Alberta.

Mary Agnes’ tombstone
George’s tombstone

Following George’s death, the four children went to live with their maternal uncle, George Coulthart and his wife Lillian, who lived in Calgary.

George and Lillian Couthart with Claxton children
From top clockwise: Herbert, Eva, Ralph, and Ruth


Herbert was born in February 19, 1902. His birth was never registered. He was a medical doctor serving in various communities in Alberta. He had two wives: Mac, whom he divorced, and Marjorie. Herbert and Marjorie had three children: Ruth, Billy, and Herbert.

Herbert’s political life was short lived as he did not win the seat in the election.

Herbert died in August, 1961. Marjorie died on March 11, 2001.

Herbert and Marjorie’s tombstone
St. Andrew’s Cemetery, Cochrane
Marjorie’s obituary


Ruth was born on November 12, 1904 at Inverary, Ontario. She married Ivan Smyth Vance (born February 27, 1900) in 1930, and they had two children: Ralph and Lillian. There is an Agnes Vance (died 1931) buried in the St. Andrews Cemetery, Cochrane, who was likely also their child. They farmed at Madden, Alberta.

Ruth as a young woman
Eva, Herbert and Ruth Claxton in early 1920’s
Ivan with his son Ralph
Lillian and Ralph Vance
The two sisters,Eva and Ruth
Ruth’s funeral bulletin
Ruth’s Obituary
Ruth and Ivan’s tombstone in the Crossfield Cemetery


A young Ralph
George and Lillian Coulthart with Ralph Claxton

Ralph was born on August 17, 1910 at Inverary, Ontario. He would have been very young when the family moved west to Cochrane, Alberta, and then to Oregon. He was a month and a half shy of his fifth birthday when his mother died. Ralph married Verna Watson (born 1911), and had one child, Janice.

Ralph, Verna, and Janice

A Bit of History by Janice

Ralph and Verna met each other in Moose Jaw. Verna worked in a bank and Ralph was an accountant at Scott National Fruit Co.

They were married on April11, 1942. in Calgary at the the home of Uncle George and Aunt Lillian Coulthart. The minister from Central United Church married them.

After they were married, the newlyweds moved to Edmonton because Ralph was transferred there with Scott National Fruit Co. Verna worked as a secretary for the U.S, Army for three years. They lived in a garret suite in a house on 107St -three small rooms for $26/mo. They had no fridge and only a hot plate to cook on. They moved into the Picton Aparitments n the summer of 1945 on 109St -owned by the Allard Family.

On Nov.1, 1945 their daughter Janice was born. She started grade 1 at the historic McKay Avenue School -she walked to and from school, crossing Jasper Avenue in downtown Edmonton.

In 1953, the family moved to their new home in the Strathearn area of Edmonton. Verna worked as a secretary for insurance companies and Ralph did accountant work for different companies.

Ralph passed away suddenly of a massive heart attack on Aug. 25, 1981. Verna continued to live in their home until 2001 when she moved into a brand new Senior’s Home. She passed away on March 10, 2002.

Their daughter Janice married Morley Gabert on July 17, 1964. They resided in the Fort Saskatchewan area and had 3 children:

  • Vincent -born March 14, 1969
  • Jason -born July 6, 1973
  • Michelle -born Sept. 14, 1975

Vincent married Shannon Shoults on July 2002. They have one son Kurt born on October 3, 2007. Vincent passed away on July 20, 2019.

Jason married Vanessa Steinacher on Oct.1, 2005. They have a son Carter born on Dec. 9, 2004 and a daughter Brooke born on Oct. 2, 2006.

Michell married Chris Bishop on Aug. 5, 2000. They have a daughter Hannah born on Oct. 8, 2004 and a son Nolan born on Aug. 2, 2011. They were divorced in 21014.

Ralph’s obituary
Ralph’s tombstone
St. Andrew’s Cemetery, Cochrane